Terms and Conditions
We would like to inform you of the following conditions of stay at Buyskop Lodge. Note that these terms & conditions were accepted by you when the booking was made and forms the basis of our contract.
1. The person who makes the reservation and/or receives/read these conditions agrees to inform all the members of his/her group of the conditions and accepts the responsibility to ensure that all the members conform to the stipulations thereof. These terms and conditions are in any event applicable to anybody entering the resort property.
2. Right of admission is reserved. Any person who misbehaves himself/herself to the judgment of the management or any of staff members of Buyskop Lodge, must leave the premises on request. Admission / accommodation fees will not be refunded.
3. The use of fireworks is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and will result in immediate expulsion from the property and immediate cancellation of the booking, without any refund.
4. The responsibility of proper supervision over babies, toddlers and children rests on the person in whose care they enter the reserve.
5. All facilities on the resort are used at own risk, especially the swimming pool and dams. Buyskop Lodge does not accept responsibility for any injuries or damage which may be a result of utilising the facilities or any other injuries or damage visitors may suffer at the resort. The guest/s further acknowledge that the resort is in a game reserve and as such there are dangerous wild animals such as leopards, snakes, etc resident on the property which risk of injury and death the guest accepts as his/her own risk with no recourse to the owner and/or employee/s of the property and the lodge.
6. Visitors take part in any group activities organised by the lodge (if any) at own risk. Visitors bring their belongings at own risk. The resort is not liable for the theft or loss thereof.
7. Visitors agree that any property brought onto Buyskop Lodge Game Reserve serves as security for the fulfilment of the visitor's obligations as set out herein.
8. Visitors must always honour the peace and tranquillity of the environment and may not play loud music or musical instruments at any time. Any music played inside/outside a chalet / camping area must be played softly and may not be heard by any other guests at all. After 22:00 there must be absolute silence in the reserve. Guests are specifically prohibited to play music from any car or sound system within the boundaries of Buyskop Lodge Game Reserve, whether from a stationary or moving vehicle, no matter what time of the day or night. Guests specifically and irrevocably authorize and instruct any employee/manager of Buyskop Lodge to switch off / remove / destroy / throw in the dam any device /car keys / radio that contravenes this rule. We wish to emphasize that Buyskop Lodge is not a party spot. If you wish to have a party and be noisy at all, rather book somewhere else. No exceptions will be allowed. Buyskop Lodge only caters for guests who wish to relax quietly in a tranquil environment while enjoying what nature offers.
9. No playing of music, eating, drinking, screaming or shouting are allowed at the swimming pool(s) / jacuzzi. No alcoholic beverages may be taken into the area around the swimming pool(s) / jacuzzi. No littering of any kind is allowed anywhere on the property of Buyskop Lodge Game Reserve. Use the provided rubbish bins which are cleaned daily by our staff. No loud shouting or screaming is allowed anywhere on Buyskop Lodge. Always respect nature and the cleanliness of the area.
10. Visitors are responsible for all equipment in the units reserved for them and must pay for any breakage/damage during their visit. A breakage / key / remote / compliance deposit might be payable together with the final accommodation payment, R500 per chalet / campsite (or double that per chalet for group bookings) and an additional R1500 if the Lapa area was booked. Visitors are responsible for all damages caused to the property of the lodge. The cost of any damage and breakage is payable as it occurs. Ensure that all items (for example cutlery) that might have been moved between your chalets, are back in the chalet as you found it when you checked in. Before departure, hand your chalet keys to the responsible employee or leave the keys in the chalet door. Breakage deposit refunds (only if specifically charged & paid) are done within 5 business days (from departure and receipt of the guest's nominated bank account) by Electronic Fund Transfer from Standard Bank. If no banking details are received within 5 business days from departure, the breakage deposit is regarded as a staff tip. We reserve the right to charge a breakage deposit at any time during your stay, if circumstances so warrants, in our own and exclusive discretion, in which event the deposit is payable immediately upon request. We also reserve the right to call upon any/all guest(s) to positively identify him/herself with an officially valid issued identity card / document or passport at any time during their stay or before arrival, failing which the guest agrees not to enter Buyskop Lodge.
11. Please drive carefully on all the roads in the resort and do not exceed 20 km per hour. Children and animals always have right of way. Under no circumstances may any animal be fed! If you feed the monkeys, you only accomplish in signing their death warrant as they become a nuisance and must be put down.
12. Visitors must immediately report any breakage or fault on/to the premises to management.
13. No discrimination of any kind will be tolerated, including reverse discrimination. No abuse of any kind will be tolerated. Any form of discrimination or abuse will result in the immediate cancellation of the reservation without any refund. Any form of dishonesty on the part of the guest, in the reasonable opinion of Buyskop Lodge, will lead to immediate cancellation of the booking without refund.
14. No motorbikes, quad bikes or similar vehicles are allowed. Fires may only be made in the braai facilities provided. No wood may be gathered from the property. Bring your own firewood/charcoal/ice, which may also be for sale.
15. Rude language and swearing are not allowed. Any form of conduct by a guest/s, which in the opinion of management compromises the property or enjoyment of the reserve by other guests, will result in immediate cancellation of the booking and expulsion from the property, without any refund.
16. No smoking in the chalets are allowed. Use the ashtray provided if you smoke outside of the chalet. Do not throw a burning cigarette into the bush. Please note that starting a fire causing damage to the property / grazing of Buyskop Lodge etc is a criminal offence in addition to civil liability.
17. No person may remove any object/animal/property from the reserve without duly authorised written permission. We also do not allow day visitors at all. Similarly, you may not bring other guests who has not booked & paid upfront onto the property of Buyskop Lodge. The area surrounding the Baobab Spa is strictly off limits without prior appointment. You may not arrive at the Spa in order to "see what it looks like" or "to make an appointment". Appointments can only be made by telephone/SMS/WhatsApp or email - contact Theresa on 0825756789. Conference guests not sleeping over are only allowed at the conference area and may not use the other facilities at Buyskop Lodge.
18. Any contravention of any of the conditions contained herein will result in immediate cancellation of your booking and expulsion from the resort without further notice plus possible action for damages. The guest(s) undertake to not ask for a refund, as no refunds will in any event be considered. The guest forfeits his/her breakage deposit if he/she or anyone in his/her group contravenes any of these rules.
19. We reserve the right to amend or change these Rules at any time as circumstances dictate.
20. If you wish for your chalet to be serviced during your stay (quick clean-up, beds made, washing of dishes), please advise the cleaning staff accordingly. If guests do not make use of our service, they are responsible for the general cleanliness of the chalets at all relevant times. If you make use of the Lapa area next to Chalet 1, a compulsory cleaning fee of R100 per day is levied. If breakfast / dinner is served by Buyskop Lodge, we retain the right in our absolute discretion to choose if meals are to be taken in the Lapa or be delivered to your chalet. If served at the Marula Boma, no food may be removed at all.
21. All group bookings (bookings for 2 or more chalets) may attract an additional group booking fee of R200 per chalet over and above the quoted rate.
22. Reservations must be paid as follows: A 30% deposit payment of the accommodation fees (including meals if requested) within 24 hours from making the booking, the 70% remaining balance (including the breakage deposit, if we charged it) is payable latest 14 days prior to arrival - EFT, cash or credit card only, payable directly into our bank account. No entry will be granted into Buyskop Lodge if all outstanding amounts have not been paid in full and is visible in our bank account as cleared funds. Payment cannot be made at Buyskop Lodge at all. We retain the right but shall not be obliged to (in our own exclusive discretion) to fully cancel or partially cancel any booking not paid for on the respective due dates. Accommodation is charged per person on a sliding scale, not per chalet or camping site. If more persons arrive than booked for, you will be charged R700 per child/adult per day/night extra subject to the maximum number of people in any event allowed per chalet or camping site. No person is allowed to sleep in a car. The guest hereby grants Buyskop Lodge irrevocable instruction to charge any amount due to Buyskop Lodge against the credit / debit card of the guest if Buyskop Lodge do have the particulars of such credit / debit card.
Cancellations: No refund will be made if a booking is cancelled for whatever reason. In the event of an ex-gratia refund we reserve the right to not refund card fees (transaction costs) in the case of any cancellation or situation where funds need to be reversed back to a credit card.
23. If your stay is for 5 nights or longer, a change of bedding will take place after every 3 nights. Toilet paper will be replenished, and the braai area will be serviced daily by our staff. Check in after 14h00 on day of arrival, check out by 10h00 on day of departure. These times must be strictly adhered to, especially during peak periods as the chalets must be prepared for new arrivals.
24. Under no circumstances may any candles be lit! To provide for Eskom load shedding blackouts, please bring a battery torch for every visitor. All appliances in the chalets may only be used for their designed purpose i.e. the stove may not be left on in order to be used as a heater.
25. Any relaxation of any of the Rules by any authorised person on behalf of Buyskop Lodge does not mean that a change or relaxation of any Rule has occurred. Also note that, as stupid as it may sound, another guest may not give you permission to break any rule as set out herein.
26. In the event of a cancellation of your booking (or partial cancellation) for whatever reason, no refunds or credits will be considered.
27. In the event of a dispute between members of a party, the person in whose name the booking is made shall be regarded as the leader of the group and he/she shall be responsible for everybody else's actions. Similarly, we might ask for Email or WhatsApp confirmation that all guests in a group received and will abide by these rules. Without such confirmation received by us in a reasonable time after the request thereof, you might be refused entry to Buyskop Lodge.
28. Buyskop Lodge shall at any time have the right to insist on positive identification from any person who enter Buyskop Lodge in order to determine who has made a valid reservation and thus the right to be at Buyskop Lodge, subject to these terms and conditions. Similarly, we need to know who our actual guests are. If you book through an agent, the details as requested by us, must be provided by the agent on demand, failing which you will be in breach of these terms.
29. All date changes, no matter the reason (including Covid-19), are handled as follows:
- Date changes will only be allowed if the full accommodation cost was paid. It follows that no date change will be allowed if only a deposit was paid.
- If a reservation deposit was previously paid, the outstanding balance is due at least 14 days prior to arrival. If the outstanding balance is not paid at least 14 days prior to arrival, the reservation will be cancelled automatically and the deposit paid, forfeited.
- If travel becomes restricted due to Government imposed Regulations or Laws, sickness or for any other reason whatsoever, date changes will gladly be accommodated but only if the reservation was paid in full.
- Any newly chosen future date will be at the prevailing rate for the current dates or the new chosen date(s), whichever is the highest, and any previous discount granted will not be applied anymore.
- In the event of a no show or a cancellation of a reservation, the guest will forfeit the amount paid.
- Any requested date change within 14 days prior to arrival, not due to travel restrictions imposed by a Government Law or Regulation, will be subject to an admin fee, calculated as 50% of the accommodation cost.
- Any reservation change to a new date is subject to availability of the new dates so chosen.
- To change your reservation, our reservation system requires a new date in order not to automatically cancel the reservation, including credit/s for amounts already paid (if any).
30. Remember: Acts of God/Natural disasters/Bad weather/etc and the discomfort associated therewith are not within our control! Eskom power outages/terrible cell phone reception/irritating mosquitoes/persistent flies/ill-behaved neighbours/non-effective government/etc are also not of our making. For any complaints - contact those institutions directly - our cell phones do not accept calls pertaining to the above!
Most important - never, but never loose your sense of humour!!!!
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