Additional Discounts available:
- Direct Booking Discount: Book directly on our website for any future date using the Book Now button - 15% discount. (not available for new bookings using previous credits or change of date bookings). Simply click on the "Book Now" button on the top right of the page and then, on the top of the booking form, enter the promo code: Discount
- Free complimentary breakfast for all new chalet bookings made on this website (except bookings overlapping 24-26 December, 30 December to 1 January and 20 - 22 March 2025) (not available for new bookings using previous credits or change of date bookings)(T & C's apply).
-School Camps:
Primary School (minimum 24 persons) - out of season – Including dinner & breakfast - 6 persons per chalet – midweek R555 per person per night / weekends R655 per person per night.
High School (minimum 24 persons) - out of season – Including dinner & breakfast - 6 persons per chalet – midweek R595 per person per night / weekends R695 per person per night.
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